
Case Study

Mezzanine Floor For Training Classrooms

Advantage were awarded the contract for the complete design and build of the facility’s first floor training classrooms, library, offices and a ground floor rest room.

Working as the principal contractor under CDM (Construction, Design and Management) Regulations, Advantage arranged Building Control approval and project-managed the complete works which included an office mezzanine floor, raised access platform with cat-ladder to an air handling unit, one hour fire rating, taped and jointed stud partitions, electrics, data cabling, smoke detection, heating, fresh air ventilation, carpet tiles and vinyl flooring.

Energy efficiency was priority on the project. All heaters were fitted with thermostats and an ‘out of hours’ timer control was installed on the electric heating circuit. The ventilation system included a heat recovery unit and all ductwork was clad with thermal insulation.

Day to day training and workshop operations continued alongside the construction area so working in close cooperation with the customer was essential.

Mezzanine Flooring

Mezzanine flooring is a great way to optimise your available space quickly and affordably. As expert mezzanine floor suppliers, we can design and fit a brand-new floor of any size, made-to-measure to your unique brief, whilst adhering to building control regulations. All our mezzanines are fully certified, including CE mark certification, which is an important aspect of quality assurance.

Contact Advantage Storage and Handling today to find out how we can transform your space!